Friday, October 22, 2010

How to take the rock guitar in

I think I saw that mistake, I made a small fortune on equipment that didn't do what he said in publicités. That cover the hole distortion annonce ART SGX 2000 the promised he would deliver back to make it one purchase that would show me how to say I wanted to sound.

The situation is no different, nowadays instrument effects processeurs consistently disappoint me first, only to wow me later when I was learning the secret.

I think it is a guitar effect that most processeurs médiocre who at best when you hear prédéfinis factory.

You have to plug an instrument of good in the first, this is just a inevitable Fact, but that's not what I say about here; I will just assume that you have the triées.

The key Element is the first basic distortion characteristics.Hear a case dry, is: but if's underlying accord in good character, it can make in something.

To illustrate this point, I had a pedal overdrive, distortion, in the name of the name of the mark was required by a friend.

He called a Ken Multi effect multiple MME-7.Now, I say to you a non-brand name which may cough character but grief awful in amplifier.

Is because so many amplificateurs, who did not see all the other two key ingrédients for a great stone.

So basically for me, this is the first step towards your dream guitar rock sound-a great Horn guitar in something déforme signal the error.

The example of how to solve tricky thing here is that it is hard to determine if one correct until you take the measure two and three.

There are two main frequencies that I saw when entering right in déformée. Is this bass and frequencies over milieu.

Maybe we have experienced this before, where did you get a great sound on the amplifier, you go in the amp for a where friends only to find that for some reason the Nations it is just not sound right.

Chance is a open liste, but not necessarily.The only difference is that in the inner room, and every room has a different frequency response.

If I am using a amp and a open after speaker cabinet, I like to make the amplifier set up ready to a wall for bass added. depending on the speaker 's, but this does not always need.

If you have a good amp and the distortion then you don't need to bother too much frequencies and peaufinage.But if you amplifier one of orib flu distorsions not sound like the amp in as far as he was supposed to compete, here critical areas where you need to see.

Do you have your guitar amp a circle effect?

So If you have luck, in cos, now all we need is a little eq grafikYonn. those regular 10 band eq pédales will make of ahab, but you can try a number 7 graphic.

10 band Graphic I would advise the MXR M108 10-band graphic Equalizer pedal saw that, I used against me, and all frequencies.

Frequency bass.Have here I tend to favor the frequencies of about 100 hz to 250 hz. I sometimes do these things sound a little too boxy.But still a option to add only a little, according to the sound of already coming on.

Upper milieu.The critical frequency here is 4 khz sound if the flu, I have the higher than 5 khz, and I mean right down I replaced after high all missing with 4 khz.

If the sound becomes too, relief back on the 4 k, adding that a bit frequency after the top can help balance things again.

This is basic freedoms to work, if you are playing acoustic guitar amp or a direct enregistrement.

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